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PRE-ORDER THE UPCOMING BOOK - Living Through the Storm

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Pre-Order Paul's new book and be among the first to receive this groundbreaking new publication!

"Living Through The Storm: Navigating with Wisdom, Strength and Hope"

Table of Contents:
Stage One: The Storms of Life —Caught in a Storm and Living in Crisis

Stage Two: Drowning in Deadly Rescues — The Seduction of Empty Promises

Stage Three: Alone in the Storm — Nowhere to Turn, Nowhere to Hide

Stage Four: How Have Storms Hit Your Boat? — Assessing Your Damage

Stage Five: What Are You Doing with Your Storm Damage? — The Destruction Continues

Stage Six: Charting the Journey—What Your Compass Isn’t Telling You

Stage Seven: Finding Your Life Crew — Bonds that Weather Any Storm

Stage Eight: Unpredictable Swells — Destructive Surges that Kill

Stage Nine: Life After the Storm — Mending the Sails

Stage Ten: The Battered Voyage Home — Empowered by New Sight

Stage Eleven: Destination Lighthouse — Safe in the Harbor and Anchored by Strength

Stage Twelve: Catching Fresh Wind — Sailing with Passion, Giftedness and Purpose

Personal Note from the Author: Living Through The Storm of Cancer

Coming Soon